sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Separated at birth!

Do you like these pictures? Do you know who are they? Try to guess their similarities comparining both characters. I give you an example.

Both men are wearing similar glasses and clothes; Jorge Javier Vázquez is waring a white shirt and a yellow jacket, and Waylon Smither is wearing a white shirt and a green jacket. They are smiling and they have the same haircut.


Do you look like a famous person or cartoon?

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Listening Comprehension

Do you usually watch TV shows in English? I think it is a very useful tool to improve your listening skills!

This is a listening comprehension activity in which you have to watch these videos from "The Simpsons" and then answer the quiestions below:

1. Why is Homer angry?
2. What does Carl say to Homer before trying to get the "crystal buzz cola"?
3. Do you think Marge belive Homer´s explanation?

4. What is the devil going to do if Homer eats the donut?
5. Why do you think the devil knows Bart?
6. What does Homer do when he is in the Hell?

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Merry Christmas!!

How much do you know about Christmas in England? In this poster you can see how English people celebrate Christmas! Have a look at it and then try to do another poster telling me about Chistmas in your country: typicall decoration, important days, food... You can also include some individual traditions you do with your family and friends.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Giving advice

Robert has a problem and he doesn´t know what to do. He has a date with Mary next Saturday, he really likes her and he is very excited with this plan. But yesterday, his friends gave him a ticket for the best football match of the season, Robert´s favourite team will play and it is just the same day of his date with Mary. So, he has a big dilemma, what shoud he do? Try to help him and give him some advices to get to a final decision. 

In order to do this activity I have created this wall in which you can write your advices and try to help Robert! 

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

What´s happening?

Do you like comics? This is a very entertaing activity you have to do in small groups. First print this comic without words and then prepare a short story based on it. Write your dialogue in the white bubbles. Try to be very creative because the funniest story will be played to the whole class!

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Mind map activity

I have chosen a new funny way to learn new words without studying long lists of vocabulary! In this activity you have to complete this mindmap with vocabulary related to the city. I give you an example of each sub-topic, so you have to go to this link, complete the mindmap and then send it to me via email.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Different opinions using voicethread!

I have created this voicethread activity in which you can express your opinions. I would like to exchange different points of view. The way to use it is very funny because you can record your voice, type a comment or use your webcam!

Improve your writing!

Try to create a story using all these words! What could the story be about? Who are the characters? Where does it take place? Be creative!! 

Are you involved in sport?

Let´s do this survey to know if you are really involved in sport!

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012


Welcome to my new blog! I have created this blog to help students to learn English in a funny way. Here you will find useful information, activities and resources to practice and improve your English level! 

Have fun!